Reflection of 2022


Talofa Bloggers,

For part of my last homework sheet we had to write a reflection on our school year at Waikowhai Primary. Now we have to share out year with you on our blogs! Take a look at my answers to my 2022 reflection below.

About 2022!

I love being at Waikowhai. We had a big last couple of months with the whole covid thing so we could not do much but it was fun when we finally could even though I have to leave the school soon enough.

One main responsibility I completed…

I got chosen to be a house captian and look after sports equipment to keep our school healthy. Running around the school with little kids is great. And watching everyone sing at assemblys just makes me super proud of the school.

What new friendships have I made?

I have become friends with so many more people the year but I truely remember one with Brax, Valerie and Sarah they are all funny and have helped me forget about all the not so good things happening around us.

I will miss this school because…

Being a year six is great but knowing you have to leave your first school is not. I have had the best six years of my life at this school and not I have to leave 🙁 My teachers are great, so is the enviroment. I love it so much!

What event do I remember the most?

I will always remember when we went to camp! Normally it is year six and five but for 2022 it was a bit different. Our camp only had year six and we had a great time. We went kyaking, snorkelling, walked through a burma trail. I even bumped into a tree when we went through with our eyes closed.

What subject have I enjoyed the most and why?

I have definitly loved doing math this year. I think that I have got better at what I am doing but we also had so much fun with the years work. Having friends in the sam class as you can sometimes be distracting but at the same time they are always super helpful.

Overall I have loved being a Waikowhai kid and I am not ready to leave. But I do hope that all of you reading enjoy the rest of your year while you can. Thank you for reading my blog!


Black Ferns

Kia Ora Whanau,

Some of you might already know that the world cup started a couple of weeks ago. But I am here to talk to you about the Black Ferns especially. Sylvia Brunt, She is the youngest Black Fern and was even a Waikowhai kid how special! Their next game is for the Quarter Finals and they vs Wales. It is held on Saturday at the Northlands event centre. But there is a problem  The All Blacks game is 40 minutes before the Black Ferns  how annoying is that. Do you think that it is unfair for people that want to watch both games?

In class the year 6 had a look at a Rugby World Cup website and found lots of the games that had been played. We got given a Schedule with 18 games in it. We had to find what a games scores were and write them down in our schedule. It also included the Quarter Finals and Semi Finals that haven’t happened yet. At the very bottom of the page is a space to fill in the Final teams and scores!

Check out the website

Travelling to Auckland Museum

Fakalofa atu Bloggers!

On Tuesday the 18th the superior seinor syndicate travelled to the Auckland Museum because we had been working on migration! We got put into groups of four with an adult and hopped on the bus to get ready for some activities down at the Museum. Here is a quick rundown of what happened.

There was 3 large groups and I was in 3 a cluster of another 6 mini groups. We got talked to by Tom and Jena in our own room who then lead us to where we got to descover first. First we walked through everthing to the other side of the Museum to the volcano room, where all six groups squashed into a experimental house.

Have you ever been to the Museum?

Check out my Slideshow.

Adverbial Phrases

Hola Bloggers,

This week in Te Waka Ako we have learning about Adverbial Phrases. Adverbial Phrases are when you write a direct speech sentence and add a comma. After your comma you add a piece of information about how you are acting when you do the sentence. E.g “You wouldn’t dare come any closer!” cried Cole, throwing his arms across his face. But you also had to have a piece of reported speech so that your extra information makes sense. Anyway here is my slide of what we did.

We had to fix the puntuation on the first slide. Then on the second slide we had to add our own Adverbial Phrases. (You could always come up with your own and make a blog post about them for everbody else to look at.)

Student Fun Day!

Kia Ora Bloggers,

Have you ever been to a Fun day? My school has! We had so much fun I will tell you about it! We got split into our synicate groups and then went to different fun things. First I went to the Slip n Slide. Dripping with bubbles and soap we ran back up to the top of the hill drenching wet. Lining up waiting was not the best thing because I was shivering cold from the breezy wind because we were wet. It was definitly sweltering hot afterward and we were lucky that we also got to go in the school pool straight after. Our pool is normally freezing cold but it was actually super warm this time luckily. I jumped in and swam around straight away.

Next we had a little break to each our lunch and then headed to the bouncy castle obstacle course on the field. This was really cool but tiring and hot. We had to wait in line for the people to be half way then we were allowed to go. We first went through the bouncy house, then we had to jump over some hurdles, after we had to crawl under a parachute and then zig zag around some poles. After that we crawled under a net and then run to the playground and up the slide then once you had reached the end you could rest.

It was a livley day. After that we went to the dry water slide and bouncy house also on the field. But unfortunately I went home not feeling so well but thats okay. I got to do most of the fun things anway. Also my friends that did get to do that said they got burns from the slide and I hate burns so I was kinda lucky. One of the teachers in the school was the DJ and played loads of cool music on some speakers. Anyway I had an awsome day!

Growth Midset

Kia Ora Guys,

Growth Mindset in maths is all about not giving up and knowing that mistakes are okay because you can learn from them. If you say you can’t do it you always have to add yet so then you say I can’t do it yet! Growth Midsets are an awesome way to help you learn because you will always have something in your mind to help you with to keep going. It was a little bit tricky on the number of the day where we had to make a multiplication equation because my number was two hundred and fourty six. I just really had to focus.



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